Leadership development

Currently, a paradigm shift can be observed that questions traditional leadership concepts in favour of agile, decentralised leadership. This change may bring relief for managers, but at the same time, it causes uncertainty and ambiguity. We observe the desire for support and orientation in this field of tension and believe that rigid hierarchical structures can only be overcome through teamwork that paves the way for  more autonomy.

Our offers for the qualification of – prospective and experienced – leaders start with the legitimisation upwards, downwards and sideways: Functional awareness and role flexibility are crucial for successful leadership. Together, we take a look at the dynamics behind this and deal with the interplay between leadership and following. Containment as an attitude is a central concern for us. We focus on self-care and self-leadership and provide tools for support.

  • In-house leadership training courses
  • Leadership development for special target groups: sandwich leaders; leaders who lead leaders; young potentials.
  • Workshops on current topics: Lateral leadership; leadership without a superior function; leading self-organised teams; health as a leadership task.
  • Training on the application of classic leadership instruments: e.g. staff appraisals; event-related appraisals; delegation; feedback etc. …
  • Leadership coaching
  • Open offers in Stranger Groups and in-house seminars

Team development & group dynamics

To remain dynamic in cooperation, the essence of cooperation must be sought in the interstices; in the interplay of structure and dynamics, in and between groups, in informal events as well as in formal pathways, the levers for the appropriate degree of self-organisation will emerge.

The art of not going against but with resistance corresponds to our attitude and characterises our way of working with groups and teams. Our method of facilitation pays special attention to a balance between self-organised parts and guided sequences. It is important to us that areas of tension and conflicts are contextualised in conjunction with the environment and not addressed in a personalised way. Here we guide with caution and circumspection.

  • Team building: workshops for personnel changes; start-ups; reorganisations; for start-ups.
  • Team development: workshops in the context of larger transformation processes
  • Conflict regulation to (re-)establish the ability to work
  • Group-dynamic skills training
  • Burnout prevention and crisis intervention in teams
  • Team training with action-oriented outdoor methods

Strategy and organisational development

Organisations are constantly undergoing change. Depending on the size of the company, one change follows another or several change processes are underway simultaneously. Here, a sustainable strategy is needed in order not to lose sight of the task at hand.

As process consultants we know the importance of a careful diagnosis and subsequent adequate change communication. In the case of far-reaching change projects, a broad participation of different stakeholders has to be considered in order to guarantee the quality and acceptance of the introduced measures. We work with common tools such as steering and project groups and complement these with proven methods such as leadership and team development. We pay the greatest attention to the management of emotions, because they are crucial for the processing of changes.

  • Diagnostic workshops and interviews to clarify the initial situation
  • Vision work and future workshops with key persons
  • Identification of relevant variables for the appropriate organisational design
  • Development of adequate participation processes
  • Design of strategy development processes
  • Accompaniment of specific phases of change in the life cycle of organisations, e.g.
  • Cultural development “from the middle”, when innovative strength is to be strengthened
  • Crisis management in growth processes for containment of emotions and to maintain the ability to act


For the facilitation of your event, we provide the appropriate setting that allows you to work on those topics that you want to focus on. In facilitation, we make a clear distinction between retreats, workshops and large group events and address the different dynamics in each case with suitable structures. We ensure the appropriate participation process when it comes to creation and problem-solving, or we focus on resonance and exchange when you want to communicate concepts that are entering the implementation phase. As facilitators, we see ourselves as service providers for the group and look for creative energies for your project.

  • Annual, strategy and team retreats
  • Executive retreats, large group conferences, e.g. World Cafe, Open Space, Barcamps, …
  • Workshops to deepen critical topics


Supervision promotes the development of self-competence and self-reflection as well as the handling of imponderables. The goal is to better understand professional situations in individual, team or group discussions and to be able to approach them from a new perspective.

As supervisors, we focus on slowing down what is fast, pause and speed up where and whenever necessary. We dwell on the essentials and relieve burdens through reflection. Together we make room for ambivalences and explore where barriers lie, how they can be overcome and what limits need to be accepted. In doing so, we keep a balanced eye on both your organisation and your staff and, if necessary, involve all internal systems: Managers, neighbouring teams, other departments. As a network, we are available for several processes in parallel.

  • Individual supervision
  • (Professional) group supervision
  • Team supervision; case supervision
  • Team and inter-departmental supervision
  • Organisational supervision
  • Open supervision groups

Face to face | online/virtuell


Coaching has established itself as a form of counselling for managers, teams and project groups as well as for career development. Managers use coaching for professional issues that cannot or can only rarely be discussed and worked on with others within their organisation. In order to overcome the ensuing structural loneliness that often accompanies these situations, we also offer settings for organisations to network across teams and departments in order to promote contact and cooperation at the interfaces.

The principle of strengthening personal responsibility is our central guiding principle. We develop concrete strategies for action in cooperation – if necessary in consultation with the supervisor – and accompany their implementation step by step.

We set up the counselling process in a goal-oriented manner within a defined period of time, geared towards the specific questions of our coachees. The principle of strengthening personal responsibility is our guiding principle. We develop concrete strategies for action together – if necessary in consultation with the superior – and accompany the implementation step by step.

  • Executive or leadership coaching
  • Group or peer coaching
  • Cross-company coaching groups
  • Team coaching
  • Coaching on specific topics: professional (re)orientation; burnout prevention
  • Support for female career development
  • Coaching to prepare for negotiation talks, presentations etc.

Face to face | online/virtuell

$Support and $recognition in the focus of cooperation.

Naschmarkt Coaching-Sitzungen: food for thought!

Ute Smit, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Wien

Die berater*innengruppe naschmarkt verfügt über drei für uns wichtige Komponenten: Bewusstsein für den Mikrokosmos Universität, Genderkompetenz und die Bereitschaft sich mit uns und der Zielgruppe weiterzuentwickeln.

Barbara Herz, Dekanatsleitung der Fakultät für Architektur, Technische Universität Graz

Meine Vorsicht gegenüber Seminaren, die sich mit Gruppendynamik beschäftigen hat sich mit der Seminar-Teilnahme in Neugierde verwandelt.

Elisabeth Mejstrik, Leadership Developer, UniCredit Academy Austria

Der Workshop und nachfolgendes Coaching haben mir sehr geholfen, meine Teamsitzungen besser zu strukturieren.

Eleonore Miller-Reiter, Fachärztin für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Psychotherapeutin

Die Verbindung von fachlicher Expertise, langjähriger Erfahrung und gruppendynamischem Zugang zeichnet die berater*innengruppe naschmarkt aus.

Sabine Trost, Human Resources, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH

Eine professionelle Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe!

Monika Nigl, Bereichsleitung Beratungszentrum, WAFF - Wiener ArbeitnehmerInnen Förderungsfonds

Äußerst kompetent und konstruktiv in diversen Projekten, Unternehmensentwicklungen sowie Supervisionen. Was ich vor allem schätze, ist der hohe Grad an sozialer Kompetenz!

Nicole Meissner, Geschäftsführung, St. Elisabeth-Stiftung der Erzdiözese Wien

The consultant has coached us through this organisational changes and growth in a tremendous way.

Frits Wittgrefe, CEO, StreamUnlimited Engineering GmbH

kompetent - freundlich - professionell ... vor dem Lockdown in gemütlicher Atmosphäre vor Ort ... nach dem Lockdown flexibel im digitalen Raum.

Mario David, Bereichsleitung, Verein KidsZone+More

Stets auf Augenhöhe, immer wertschätzend, manchmal auch im provokativen Spannungsfeld.

Stefan Busch & Michaela Schorer, Leitungsteam Haus Noah, Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien

Wir schätzen die Zusammenarbeit, die hohe professionelle Qualität, aber auch die empathische Herangehensweise an unsere komplexen Problemstellungen.

Das Team der WG Kammelweg, SOS Kinderdorf Wien

Veränderung-Klärung-Orientierung-Entwicklung-Aufgabenerfüllung-Auseinandersetzung-Gestaltung: mit Beratung und Erschaffung von Räumen zur Betrachtung in guter Begleitung durch die Berater*innengruppe eine konstant gute Erfahrung.

Ulrike Höhne, Leitung, PSZ gGmbH

Die berater*innengruppe naschmarkt besticht durch Gelassenheit, Flexibilität und Kompetenz. Das Gespür für unbewusste Prozesse, das Arbeiten ohne fertige Rezepte und die hohe fachliche Expertise garantieren eine spannende Auseinandersetzung, die uns weiter gebracht hat.

Robert Mittermair, Geschäftsführung, Verein LOK - Leben ohne Krankenhaus

Dem „Naschmarkt“ gelingt es durch Flexibilität, Kreativität und Kompetenz immer wieder aufs Neue, komplexe Problemstellungen zu analysieren und Lösungsmöglichkeiten dafür zu entwerfen.

Wolfgang Steiner, stv. Bereichsleiter, Wiener Sozialdienste

Auf Auftraggeberseite habe ich das professionelle Projektmanagement und die offene, konstruktive, kreative und flexible Zusammenarbeit besonders geschätzt.

Johanna Kirsch, Global HR, Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH

Die hohe Fachkompetenz der Berater*innen zeigte sich vor allem darin, dass sowohl formal-strukturelle als auch psycho- und gruppendynamische Wirkfaktoren reflexiv berücksichtigt und bearbeitet wurden.

Dagmar Brus, Kinderdorfleitung, Kinderdorf Pöttsching

Die große Fähigkeit und sichtbare Erfahrung der beiden Moderatorinnen sowie die organisch fließende Fähigkeitsvermittlung ließen mich am Ende des Seminars mit einem Gefühl freudiger Trauer zurück, das ich immer als bestes Gütesiegel erkenne.

Daniel Gratzer, Fridays for Future

In der gleichsam anregenden wie entspannenden Atmosphäre wurden wir für unseren Prozess augenöffnend gut beraten und inspiriert. Wer professionelle Beratung auf hohem Niveau in einem geschmackvollen, ruhigen Setting jenseits „kaffeepadvermiefter“ Seminarhotels sucht, sollte Naschmarkt in Steyr in Erwägung ziehen!

Marcus Ebertowski, Leitung Wohngemeinschaften, Verein LOK - Leben ohne Krankenhaus

Ich erlebe die berater*innengruppe naschmarkt seit vielen Jahren als sehr zuverlässigen Kooperationspartner mit hoher Fachkompetenz.

Johanna Mayrhofer, HR-Managerin, Hilfe in Not, Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien

Sie dürfen sich auf passgenauen Input, fundierte Analysen, abwechslungsreiche Übungen sowie auf schnelle und direkte Kommunikation freuen. Noch ein Pluspunkt: Inputs aus zahlreichen Theorie-Ecken – ohne Methode der Methode willen, garantiert Esoterik-frei. Meine Empfehlung!

Elisabeth Hammer, Geschäftsführung, neunerhaus

Eine Gruppe von Berater*innen, die durch Ihre Authentizität, Professionalität und Klarheit besticht!

Iris Reidenbach, Personalentwicklung, Vienna Insurance Group

Genderkompetente Beratung mit offenen Berater*innen sowie einer großen Bereitschaft auf Gegebenheiten und Bedürfnisse einzugehen.

Michaela Gindl, Stabsstelle für Gleichstellung und Gender Studies, Donau-Universität Krems